Thursday, September 23, 2010


Women’s Touch Ministries here at Park Meadows Baptist Church are for women of all ages and from all walks of life. Our women’s ministries seek to provide Christ-centered spiritual growth and encouragement for women in our shared journey of faith, in order to deepen our relationships with God and others, and to accept and value ourselves as people of worth with gifts to share. Our hope is for every woman to be a part of our ministry and find a place of love, safety and acceptance that will result in deeper friendships.

We believe that women benefit greatly from being mentored and discipled – big words to say that women thrive when they are building relationships, encouraging, and supporting one another, doing all the things women do so well – talking, laughing, crying, creating, processing, and journeying through life together. We do these things through various small groups, Bible studies, social events, retreats, and by providing opportunities to serve together in the community.

Women’s Touch Ministries offer:
(click the links below for more information on each area)

Fall Conference!!!!

Saturday October 16th - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Small Group “More-Than-Just-A-Bible-Study”

Ladies Bible Studies

Other upcoming events this year will include:

Crafty Ladies Hobby Nights
A time where quilters, scrapbookers, knitters, crocheters, sew-ers, and crafters of all kinds can gather together.

Purely social gatherings of various kinds – some planned well in advance, some more spur of the moment!

Watch this blog, the church website, the church calendar, bulletin announcements and inserts for more details about these Women’s Touch Ministries activities. Or add your name to our Women’s Touch Ministries contact list using
and we will send a note regarding upcoming events.

We welcome women of ALL ages to participate in ALL of our ministries.

We also encourage ladies to explore their own gifts and are always looking for help with the various activities we have going on.

For more information about any of these ministries, or to get involved, contact the church office (info in right sidebar) or
, and you’ll be put in contact with a Women’s Touch Ministry Leader.

We look forward to journeying with you!